An Introduction

Posted by ant | | Posted on 09:21


Web sites are apart of every day life, and have been for me since the age of 16, no not 'those' websites I'm a gentleman and would not do such a thing (that was 14 aswell)

A little about me
When I was 16 I start making websites in front page *cringe* and luckily progressing to dreamweaver 4 at school (AVCE IT rocked). I kinda fell in love with process of web design (design came before development see post 2) so then by a bizarre twist of fate or a moment madness depending catch me on a good day or not I decided "hey I like building websites, websites are displayed on computers, I know I do a degree computer science)

In summary of those three years,

year 1:wooo freedom, beer, java,maths,java,maths,java,maths,java,maths,java,maths,java,maths why did i ever do this

year 2: this year im going improve java,maths,java,maths blood tears and bottles of jd java,maths,java,maths, ohhhh I built a webpage finally, java,maths,java,maths,java,maths,java,maths The runtime complexity of a for loop with a single inner operation is nlog(n2) dont know what that means but hey i'll get a mark for it java,maths,java,maths why did i ever do this for 2 yeaes

Year 3: Software engineering the net ejb,jsps and servlets I actually enjoyed this third year project Natural language to database tool with a web front end my most enjoyable project ... wow thats fun why were the first 2 years hell?

Then i thought right lets go get a job as a web developer and do you know what a LITTLE bit of java won't hurt so I'll put I'll do a bit of that.

Hired .......... as a java developer

That kind of went like this:

Hi welcome to job this is your desk and heres a bug at in this class file, so I start skimming the code and see this

public void myMethod(Object<? extends T> myParam) {
if(myParam ? trueOperation() : falseOperation());

public void trueOperation() {
System.out.println("This code probably wont compile ... I DON'T CARE");

public void falseOperation() {
SolarImperium solar = new SolarImperium("Emporer Grim");



So I saw that considering that I had just done 3yrs of java at uni my first response "what the fuck is that thats not java" I still dont get generics or the one line if statements.

Anyway lets hurry this breif description of the first year at work

java, java, java, java, java, java, java, java, sql, java, java, java, java, java, xml, java, java, java, (this could a song), I have task to fix a bug thing you need learn python have fun, python, python, python, python, I want to die, python, python, python, java.

That brings to 4months ago, I was giving involved wait for it ... web development woohoo this is going to be sweet I can do this blind folded I'll be done sure boss safari, firefox, ie6/7/8 chrome sure boss it will take a week .... months later

Welcome to Angry Browsers